(75) 3161-8096 mesauco@uefs.br
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The pedagogical strategy of the course is based on three pillars: the epistemological, the technical and the political. The epistemological pillar focuses on the act of knowing and critical questioning, having at its core the human capacity to construct relationships (Piaget, 1987) through cognitive acts, such as observation, comparison, classification, analysis, understanding, inquiry, among others, stimulated by concrete problems, critical attitudes and an autonomous posture (Freire, 1987). The technical pillar is founded on the concepts of health practice (Paim, 2003), field (Bourdieu, 19997) and communicative action oriented by the notions of understanding and competent argument (Habermas, 1984;1989). Meanwhile, the political pillar is oriented by the concept of the knowing subject, as developed by Mário Testa (2005), in order to seek the integration of thinking, reflection and action in a coherent and free manner, committed to uniting in a single project, the private and public, the individual and the collective, the technical and the ideological.

Drawing from these theoretical principles, together with practical experience acquired at undergraduate and postgraduate (a Master´s program with 17 years of experience) levels, a pedagogical project has been constructed that seeks to unite, on a daily basis, research, teaching and intervention.

Experiences such as the scholarship program for scientific initiation, Tutorial Education Program (TEP) and teacher training, which together with TEP brings together the undergraduate, postgraduate and extension levels, have helped to train professionals committed to the proposal of integrating professional practices with the models of care and administration required by the Brazilian Public Health System (SUS). These actions have been developed based on the assumption that the transformation of subjects and civic consciousness is not possible without a public policy that seeks to transform practices at an undergraduate level, if not earlier. As such, the future teaching staff and researchers that this program intends to shape will be stimulated to develop activities with scholarship holders in the program for scientific initiation, in projects oriented by common supervisors or by the same research unit. Furthermore, they will learn to organize themselves transversally in collective projects so that the same objective may be investigated through the application of different methodologies and disciplines. This new modus operandi has brought several benefits. The optimization of material and human resources, approval of funding from a variety of sources, the structuring of projects into subprojects with responsibility divided among distinct teams, and, the encouragement of a new dialogue among researchers, as well as between researchers and external institutions, with the aim of overcoming barriers between fields and constructing unity through diversity.

The proposal of the PHD program is to strengthen these positives and contribute to the education of PHD holders who think critically and are committed to finding solutions for problems that afflict the population in contexts in which we are all participants.

The set of disciplines and obligatory and complimentary activities that make up the postgraduate program have been designed to reflect the theoretical and practical principles stated above. The disciplines and activities included in the postgraduate program will be structured as follows:

  • Core mandatory disciplines;
  • Core optional disciplines;
  • Complementary training disciplines;
  • Mandatory activities.

The disciplines for each field are detailed in tables 1,2,3 and 4, including number of credits, class hours and responsible teacher.

Table 1 – Relação do Núcleo Básico de Disciplinas Obrigatórias

Disciplina Créditos CH Docentes
Epidemiologia 04 60 Edna Maria de Araújo
Estado, População e Políticas Públicas 02 30 Marluce Maria Araújo Assis
Epistemologia e Metodologia da Pesquisa Social em Saúde 04 60 Maria Ângela Alves Nascimento Maura M. Guimarães e Almeida
Seminários Avançados em Teoria Epidemiológica 02 30 Tania Maria de Araújo
Seminários Avançados em Metodologia Epidemiológica 02 30 Isaac Suzart Gomes Filho
Tópicos Avançados em Saúde Coletiva 02 30 Thereza Christina Bahia Coelho, Jairnilson Paim

Total: 16 créditos

Table 2 – Relação do Núcleo Básico de Disciplinas Optativas

Disciplina Créditos CH Docentes
Análise de Dados Epidemiológicos I 03 45 Tânia Maria de Araújo
Análise de Dados Epidemiológicos II 02 30 Simone Cruz, Isaac S. Gomes Filho
Bioética 02 30 Eneida Cerqueira, Valéria Freitas
Bioestatística 03 45 Ynara Arsati, Fernando Carvalho
Epidemiologia Social 02 30 Tânia Araújo
Gestão em Sistemas de Saúde 03 45 Thereza Christina Bahia Coelho
Oficina de Análise e Redação de Artigos 03 45 Maria Conceição Costa, Márcio Campos
Planejamento e Programação em Saúde 02 30 Marluce Maria Araújo Assis
Saúde, Cultura e Sociedade 03 45 Thereza Christina Bahia Coelho

Total: 18 créditos

Table 3 – Relação das Disciplinas de Formação Complementar

Disciplina Créditos CH Docentes
Análise de Dados Qualitativos em Saúde 03 45 Maria Ângela Alves Nascimento
Epidemiologia das Doenças Bucais 02 30 Valéria Freitas, Ynara Arsati
Pesquisa Qualitativa em Saúde 03 45 Marluce Maria Araújo Assis
Saúde da Criança e do Adolescente 02 30 Maria Conceição Costa, Graciete Vieira
Tópicos Especiais em Saúde do Trabalhador 02 30 Tânia Araújo, Fernando Carvalho

Total: 06 créditos

Table 4 – Relação das Atividades Obrigatórias

Atividade Créditos Docentes
Estágio Docência Ynara Arsati, Maura M.G. de Almeida
Seminários Avançados em Saúde Coletiva Eneida Cerqueira, Isaac Suzart Gomes Filho
Pesquisa Orientada 04 Márcio Campos, Graciete Vieira
Exame de Qualificação Maria Conceição Oliveira Costa

Total dos Créditos: 41 créditos de disciplina + 4 créditos de Pesquisa Orientada = 44 créditos